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Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
177.0 61.11% Maureen Richardson - Brendan Richardson (4)0.12
272.0 57.14% Ann Briginshaw - Katherine Marsden (5)0.08
370.0 55.56% Michelle McCarthy - Tony Dix (7)0.06
468.0 53.97% Karen Andrews - Julianne Edwards (6)0.04
562.0 49.21% Andrew Ross - Mary Ramsay (3) 
661.0 48.41% Trish Groom - Malcolm Groom (1) 
750.0 39.68% Trish Colles - Erica McCoull (2) 
844.0 34.92% Maggie Aird - Robyn Gottschalk (8) 

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