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Friday Morning (29-Dec-23)
Place Result % Pair Name Green pts
1114.0 67.86% Bob Patterson - Maria Gibbs (4)0.24
296.0 57.14% Lyn Bremner - Coral Goward (5)0.17
390.0 53.57% Roger Hooley - Judy Hooley (1)0.12
486.0 51.19% Clare Handbury - Bill Handbury (6)0.08
580.0 47.62% Fran Healy - Jamie Bayly-Stark (3) 
580.0 47.62% Trish Colles - Malcolm Sherlock (7) 
764.0 38.10% Toby Meredith - Joy Stoddart (2) 
862.0 36.90% Helen O'Conor - Lynne Cooke (8) 

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